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Born at the date: (נמצאו 14)
1. Ze'ev Wilhelm Willi hy"d Stark
2. Eliahu Dov Kohn
3. Tila hy''d (Donat) Baras
4. Chana hy''d (Kohn) Yoseph
5. Mina hy''d Cohen (Kohn)
6. Friede Yootel hy''d (Baras) Donat
7. Mordechai Marcus hy"d Lewinger
8. Moshe David Haor
9. Esther Esti (Kohn) Kosmann
10. Fraidil Frida hy''d Kohn
11. Cantor Joseph hy"d Schmidt
12. Mordechai Max Markus Seckbach
13. Avraham Menachem Max Weinberger
14. Yoseph Alt

Ded at the date: (נמצאו 9)
1. R' Eliahu (Elias, Ede) Kohn
2. Gross
3. Beile (Beleh) Kohn
4. Miriam Reizel (Stern) Baumgerten
5. Leni Bischitz
6. Yoseph Bischitz
7. Shimshom Nasch
8. Rav Ya'akov Snyders
9. Hermina Nasch

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