Search - Iyar 5th
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Born at the date: (נמצאו 9)
1. Moshe Eliahu (Edi) Kohn
2. Sarah (Ezrovic) Klein
3. Menachem Mendel Silberstrom
4. Yoseph Cohen
5. Daniel Cohen
6. Shlomo HaCohen Tauber
7. Aharon Gedalyah Schwartz
8. son Kroyzer
9. Dana Zalitski Rubinstein

Ded at the date: (נמצאו 3)
1. Yissachar Dov (Bernard, Berent) Goldberger
2. Mordechai HaLevi Seagal Lewinger
3. Renee Egele (Nachmias) Frankl

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